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Difference Between CSS and CSS3

Difference Between CSS and CSS3

Hello coder today we discuss about some most popular interview questions like; difference between css and css3

CSS3 and CSS2 isn't different in the sense that they are different languages- they're both languages for defining the look and feel of a page written in a markup language. With CSS3 there are a lot more features that allow you to control additional aspects/behaviors of elements on a page. A couple of the more commonly used features include:

Difference Between CSS and CSS3

New selectors. With CSS3 you can select attributes with some fancy symbols (mostly modeled after regex, I believe). There are also new pseudo -classes that allow you to select child/sibling elements (eg :nth-child(even) allows you to select only the even numbered elements, extremely useful for alternating row colors in a table)
Text Effects. Text-shadows and a handy new word-wrapping feature
Transforms & Animations. Exactly like it sounds. You can specify timer properties and keyframes to create animations entirely using CSS
  • CSS3 is divided into many different documents called Modules. Every module adds new    capability or extends features defined in CSS2 over preserving backward Compatibility. 
  • Work on CSS3 started around the time of publication of the original CSS2 recommendation.
  • Because of the modularization in CSS3, every modules has different stability and is in       different status.
  • The CSS3 version supports many more browsers than CSS2.
  • CSS3 has other added features such as new combinator, new CSS selectors, new pseudo-  elements and new style properties.


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