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Ajax Interview Questions

Ajax Interview Questions

What are the most popular AJAX framework?

  • Angular JS
  • Backbone.js
  • Prototype
  • Ext JS
  • jQuery and jQuery UI

What are disadvantages of AJAX ?
Every technology is not a perfect and has some disadvantages. The cons of AJAX are-

Source code of AJAX is view-able.
It depends on JavaScript and cannot work if JavaScript is disabled in a web browser.
Malicious code can be inserted into the system.

What is Rich Internet Application (RIA) ?
An application that works similar to a desktop application and has enhanced the user interface, advanced functions and quicker response time.

How can you debug AJAX application ?
If you want to debug in Google Chrome, then use Chrome Developer Tool. On Mozilla Firefox, with the help of Firebug, debugging can be done easily.

Can you provide any real world example of AJAX ?
Nowadays, many websites and web applications are using AJAX. Some of the most popular web applications are-

  • Google Maps
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Google Plus
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

What is the full form of AJAX ?
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

What is the definition of AJAX ?
AJAX is the technique of exchanging data with a server and updating parts of a web page without reloading the entire page.

What does AJAX do ?
It exchanges the data between client and server and the data is in the form of text, XML, or JSON.

The web page that is downloaded from the web server contains ?
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What are the functionalities provided by XMLHttpRequest ?
Update a web page without reloading the entire page.
Request receive and send data in the background after the page has loaded.

What is synchronous request in AJAX ?
In synchronous request, the usual working of a page and user interaction is blocked until a response is received from the server.

What is asynchronous request in AJAX ?
In an asynchronous request, the page continues to work normally without blocking the user. It is the most preferred way of sending a request.

I Hope these Ajax Interview Questions are helpful for fresher as well as experience people.


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